Young Friends Enjoy the Great Outdoors

Back in 2019, the Friends were successful in obtaining a grant from West Dunbartonshire Council’s Year of the Young People Legacy Fund with the aim of encouraging young people in West Dunbartonshire to enjoy outdoor experiences and learning opportunities in the National Park. Arrangements were in full swing to encourage young people living with a disadvantage to get out-and-about when Covid struck. This sadly meant all plans were put on hold.

This year the Friends Support Officer, Jennifer Plunkett, has worked hard to resurrect the project and so far over 80 young people from local youth groups Y-Sort-It and Benview Youth Club have participated in outdoor activity programmes in the National Park. Two groups of young carers from Y-Sort-It enjoyed a range of outdoor activities, including canoeing and climbing, at Ardroy Outdoor Education Centre in Lochgoilhead. A group of young people from the Youth Connections strand of Y-Sort-It enjoyed an activity day with In Your Element at Loch Lomond that included an aerial tree-zone adventure and canoeing. The day also incorporated an educational element on the topics ‘Trees for Life’ and ‘Leave no Trace’. A trip to the Loch Lomond Bird of Prey Centre was also organised, which everyone enjoyed, especially the quiz sheets and flying show. A second trip to Ardroy took place in November.

Plans are being progressed to provide further outdoor experiences in the National Park for another 100 disadvantaged young people from West Dunbartonshire in 2023.

Paul Saunders

Paul Saunders Marketing, producer of promotional video, professional photography and marketing solutions to help businesses and charities in Scotland to grow.

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