(Picture: Rest and Be Thankful)
Our Policies & Consultation Responses
Genuinely sustainable development, carefully balanced planning controls and pragmatic visitor management arrangements are essential for the conservation and responsible enjoyment of the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park. We work closely with the National Park Authority, other agencies, local businesses and many individuals to ensure the protection and promotion of the area’s special landscape and cultural heritage qualities for the benefit of all. We also undertake fundraising activities to support a range of projects and initiatives that support our core aims.
We think the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park is a place to explore culture and discover nature at its best and we want people to know more about these special quailities.
We believe the National Park is a place where you can relax and unwind and we want to keep it that way.
We think the landscape of the National Park is one of its most important assets. We want the Scottish Government, local councils, developers and local people to ensure that where change occurs it is in keeping with the landscape's distinctive character.
We want people to enjoy the beauty of the National Park and we work towards improving access for those who share our respect for its unspoilt nature.
We believe that people are a crucial element of the fabric of the National Park and want local communities to remain healthy and vibrant places.
We submit detailed and considered responses on National Park draft policy documents and periodically on planning applications that could have significant adverse impacts on the special qualities of the National Park.
You can download our responses to planning applications and policies below, by clicking on the appropriate icon. PDF-format files require the free Adobe Reader software. DOCX-format files require Microsoft Word 2007 or later.
Click on links to view/download consultation responses:
May 2023: Response to Luss Estates Land Use and Development Plan Consultation
October 2022 Response to the National Park 10 year review of the Loch Lomond byelaws
Nov 2022: Response to NatureScot Consultation on "The future of National Parks in Scotland"
February 2020: Outdoor Recreation Plan
February 2019: Core Paths Plan
August 2018 - Core Paths Consultation Response
July 2017 - National Park Partnership Plan public consultation
January 2015 - YOUR Park consultation response
January 2013 - Land Reform Review
October 2012 - Outdoor Recreation Plan