Leave a Legacy
(Picture: Ardlui)
Legacies are an important source of income for the Friends of the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs. They make a valuable contribution to our work protecting and nurturing the special natural and cultural heritage qualities of the 720 square miles covered by Scotland's first National Park for current and future generations to enjoy.
If you would like to leave a lasting contribution to support the work of the Friends conservation and heritage charity, please consider remembering us in your will. If you wish to talk to us in confidence about leaving a legacy for specific areas of work or projects please contact on 07496 433134, or by email to info@lochlomondtrossachs.org.uk or write to us at Friends of Loch Lomond and The Trossachs, Carrochan, Carrochan Road, Balloch G83 8EG.
Thank you for your support.