Our Park
(Picture: Loch Katrine)
Friends of Our Park
'Friends of OUR park' is an innovative fundraising scheme which gives visitors to the area an opportunity to make voluntary donations, through businesses, which are directed into vital wildlife, conservation, heritage and access projects in and around the Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park.
It also provides businesses with a fantastic opportunity to enhance their 'green' credentials whilst actively contributing towards keeping the National Park a beautiful place for all to enjoy.
It's FREE for businesses to participate in the scheme and in return there are many benefits, including free marketing and publicity. Just contact us to find out more about becoming a Friends of OUR Park supporter.
Click here to download a booklet about projects that ‘Our Park’ has supported.
Case Studies
In this section, we are featuring some of the different ways that businesses are fundraising for the 'OUR park' scheme. There is a variety of ways in which businesses can be involved which can be tailored to suit your needs and wishes. For some ideas on how to get involved, click here.
Click on the business names below to see how they are supporting the 'OUR park' scheme:
If you would like your business to be involved in the scheme and benefit from increased green credentials whilst conserving the environment that your business is situated in, please contact our Project Support Officer Mrs Jennifer Plunkett on 07496 433134.